Gujarat DGP P C Thakur said that given that Prime Minister Narendra Modi will also be in the town on that day, the security arrangements will be of "national and international level".
"It is very crucial affair as far as security goes, as both Chinese president as well as the our PM will be in Ahmedabad on that day. Our security arrangements for that day will be of both national as well as international level, leaving no space for any error," Thakur said.
Jinping is expected to land at Ahmedabad airport at around 2:30 PM on Wednesday and will be driven to hotel Grand Hyatt in Vastrapur area.
After holding a high-level meeting at the hotel, Jinping is scheduled to visit Sabarmati Ashram and then take a walk and have dinner with Modi on the Sabarmati Riverfront, before flying to New Delhi, official sources said.
"Our activity on that day will mainly revolve around controlling all the access points of route as well the venue, surveillance and taking anti-sabotage measures. At present, we have also secured these areas and kept them under constant surveillance" Thakur said.