"A 16-year-old girl and her 21-year-old boyfriend Sapan Purani were arrested for killing 63-year-old Shrihari Vinod and his 60-year-old wife Sneha in their house located at Tirupati Society in Manjalpur area in the city," Joint Police Commissioner D J Patel told PTI.
The couple was killed in their house on the night of August 3 by their adopted daughter and her boyfriend.
The incident came to light only yesterday, after the society's residents complained to the police about foul smell from the locked house, Patel said.
The girl was adopted by the childless Marathi couple about 15 years ago when the girl was one-year-old, Patel said.
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The teenage girl, who is a class 10 student of a private school in the city, began staying with her boyfriend after the couple's murder, Patel said.
Her boyfriend used to visit the murdered couple's house to spray perfume on their dead bodies so that the foul smell could not come out from the locked house, Patel said.
Suspecting involvement of the adopted girl in the murder, the police started interrogating her and her boyfriend after which they confessed killing the elderly couple.
"Both of them used to beat me up on several occasions and also forced to study against my wish. So I along with my boyfriend killed them," the teenage girl told the police in her confession.