The 43-year-old Australian cricket legend is the focus of comedy stage show 'Shane Warne The Musical', which initially premiered as 'Down Under' in 2008, but has now been rewritten and relaunched to include the sportsman's retirement from cricket and his relationship with Hurley.
"Mystified how supposedly decent actors can make a 'fun' musical about (Shane Warne) with subject matters guaranteed to make his 3 kids cry...," she posted on Twitter.
The show's creator Eddie Perfect insists Warne was happy with the initial incarnation of the musical, but fears he may react differently to the updated version.
"My satirical approach to the entire show has stayed the same... It's not about the truth, it's about perception, and how that perception gets distorted and amplified by the media and their relationship with the media," Perfect said.
The 2013 production of 'Shane Warne The Musical' is currently touring Australia.