The 36-year-old actress, who welcomed her first child, India Rose last year, said the 'Thor' star wants her to dress their daughter in pink because people keep mistaking her for a boy, reported People magazine.
"I am the worst. I hate to dress her in pink and I don't know why I have to. Even Chris is saying all the time, 'They think she is a boy! Can't you put her in something more girly?'
"You put them in pink so everyone knows it's a girl? Why? Just say it. I think if you are a baby and they are already dressing you in pink, it will make you a princess. I just get blues and whites," Pataky said.
"Before, I could be in the mirror just looking at each eyelash. Now, I have to learn to look good in a simple way in the morning. I have to know what looks good already and just put it on and go," she added.