AAP released the joint letter by Lyngdoh, Ramdas, Justice V R Krishna Iyer, former National Knowledge Commission Vice Chairman Dr P M Bhargava and others to media in which they urged Delhi government to take note of irregularities highlighted by Kejriwal and take urgent corrective action.
"The citizens of Delhi, most of who struggle to make two ends meet and simply cannot afford the hiked bills, seek to exercise their right to disobey. They seek to do so in a non-violent manner and are willing to face the consequences including penalties and punitive action.
They claimed that Kejriwal called for the civil disobedience movement when pleas to stop corruption in power and water sector "fell on deaf ears".
In a separate statement, AAP claimed 1,00,396 more people pledged not to pay the inflated bills yesterday, taking the total to 3,75,040.
It said around 3,000 volunteers would turn their homes into mini asahyog kendras (non-cooperation centre), in addition to 264 asahyog kendras that already exist.
The statement also said Kejriwal's health has stabilised. "His blood pressure is 108/66, pulse 67, sugar 123 and weight is 59 kg. The level of ketones has come down as well from 3+ yesterday to 2+," it said.