The accused Subhash Choude, a resident of Dorda under Balarampur police station in Purulia district of West Bengal, was arrested today and the iron-rod used in killing the contractor, Panchu Gopal Mandal, also a resident of Memari in Burdwan district of the state, was recovered, said Sub-Divisional Police Officer (Seraikela), K B Raman.
The accused has been working under the victim since last six/seven months, he said.
Mandal had even shifted Choude from Adityapur to Khunti recently following the dispute.
Choude had come to Adityapur yesterday and demanded Mandal to clear his dues, but the victim assured him to do so a week before the Durga Puja, Raman said.
Choude took an iron-rod last night and hit Mandal on his head fatally, Raman said adding, he did not escape after committing the crime and stayed back to assure his colleagues and police that he was not involved in the murder.