In a memorandum submitted to Union Minister Jitendra Singh, the Government Employees' National Federation said that while there are some positive recommendations in the 7th CPC report, there are, at the same time, several instances which need a relook.
Thus, the memorandum said, the exercise to rationalise pay structure has led to several discrepancies. It further complained that the concept of grade pay and pay band has been done away with and all grades of pay at all levels have been subsumed within the pay matrix.
He said that even though opinion may vary, there is a large section of employees which has hailed the report, including its recommendation of 16 per cent hike in salary along with a 63 per cent increase in allowances and 24 per cent hike in pension, with minimum Basic Pay of Rs 18,000 and maximum pay of Rs 2.25 lakh for central government staff.
"There is, therefore, enough reason to believe that all the concerns and apprehensions, if any, expressed by the employees will be taken care of by the government," the minister said.
There are about 50 lakh central government employees.