Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Sunday appealed to people to encourage 10 of their friends over the phone to check their houses for dengue larvae, as part of the city government's '10 Hafte 10 Baje 10 Minute' campaign.
Delhi minister Gopal Rai said he urged his friends to inspect their houses. His colleague, Rajendra Pal Gautam also tweeted pictures of him cleaning a water pot as a measure against mosquito-breeding.
"Another Sunday - Another day to check your house for Dengue larvae. But this time, I took it up a notch. I called up 10 of my friends and urged them to inspect their houses as well," Rai posted on Twitter.
Kejriwal also urged people to circulate the message on WhatsApp groups.
"Today, after checking my house for 10 minutes, I called 10 of my friends and encouraged them to check their houses. This time we have to defeat dengue.#DilliKeChampion," he tweeted.
In a video posted on Twitter, Kejriwal can be seen inspecting his house for mosquito breeding.
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"From today onwards, we will do one more thing. Call up 10 of your friends and relatives and urge them to inspect their houses. Post the message on WhatsApp groups also and write, 'I have inspected my house for dengue. You also do the same'. This will help you become a champion against dengue," he said in the video.
The number of dengue cases recorded till September 7 stood at 122, with 30 of these reported in the current month and 52 in August.
Last year, 2,798 dengue cases and four deaths due to the disease were recorded by the South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC), which tabulates the data on vector-borne diseases in the city.
Both the Delhi government and the local bodies have been cautioning people against breeding of mosquito larvae in and around their houses.
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