Eight black-and-white films including legendary Hindi cinema like 'Awara', 'Pyaasa', 'Mother India' and S S Vasan's iconic 'Chandralekha' in Tamil are up for screening at the 'Il Cinema Ritrovato' festival in the city of Bologna.
Titled 'The Golden 50s: India's Endangered Clasics', it is the first Indian cinema retrospective at the festival, which is dedicated to film restoration and its history.
The festival has been curated by filmmaker Shivendra Singh Dungarpur, known for his National Award-winning marathon documentary 'Celluloid Man' that highlighted the loss of Indian cinematic heritage including rare silent-era films.
"We now realise that these eight classics too are in imminent danger of being lost to the world if urgent steps are not taken for their preservation and restoration. Screening these films is not just a reminder of a singular cinematic legacy, but one that is endangered and must be saved," Dungarpur told PTI.
"Most of the original negatives do not exist and what has survived are dupe negatives and prints in poor condition," he said.
'Celluloid Man' was hailed in the country and world over for broaching the subject of loss of Indian cinematic legacy and post this film, Dungarpur created a non-profit organisation called the 'Film Heritage Foundation' dedicated solely for film preservation.