Lakshmi Suresh, mother of P S Akshaya, the student in Sathyabama University, in her petition, said organisers of TECHOFES '13, a grand cultural event in South India had announced Rs 25 lakh total prize for winners in various events.
She claimed her daughter had participated in the flagship event this year and was declared winner but the organisers had given her only a certificate of appreciation instead of the two wheeler, mobile phone and Rs 1,000, besides gift vouchers.
She also sent them a legal notice, which was returned with the remark that there was no such addressee.
Lakshmi submitted her daughter's legitimate expectations were betrayed by the organisers, who had advertised several lakhs of rupees in cash as prize.
She also sought a direction to remove all advertisements in various websites by the organisers and the reviews with the emblem of College of Engineering, Anna University, Guindy and to handover the prizes along with the compensation.
When the matter came up for hearing, Justice K K Sasidharan ordered issue of notice to Dean, College of Engineering, Guindy, returnable by August 22.