Participating in an interactive-cum-suggestion meet of 'organic farming practicing farmers held at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, about 25 farmers gave suggestions, including grievance redressal of farmers' group, enrolment of organic certification of farmers, creation of integrated farming system, promotion of Indigenous technical knowledge, supply of seeds for papaya and other crops like winged beans.
They also insisted on an action plan on earth warm production, biogas production, green manure seeds, bio-fertilizer training, proper monitoring mechanism and control measures for soil evacuation and spoilage.
Dr S Ramasamy, Professor and Head, Department of Sustainable Organic Agriculture, TNAU, said choosing the best 10 organic farm ideas will be mooted out for the spearheaded research and for the benefit of the farming community.
Inviting suggestions from farmers to extend their full cooperation and support to augment organic farming practicing farmers, TNAU Vice Chancellor Dr K Ramasamy wanted steps to rejuvenate cattle population like Kangeyam breed and said the gazettier gives enormous information on traditional cattle population.