Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Friday directed the officials concerned to ensure that sewage and other wastes are not discharged in the Ganga river after December 15, in view of the Kumbh Mela in Allahabad early next year.
According to an official release, the chief minister reviewed the work plan for cleaning tributaries of the Ganga, check on drains discharging into the river as well as shifting tanneries in Kanpur.
He directed the officials to ensure that no sewage or other wastes are discharged into the Ganga after December 15, it said.
Adityanath directed the officials to complete work on sewage treatment plants according to schedule.
Asking the officials to pay special attention on cleanliness and flow of river water, especially in view of the Kumbh Mela, he directed that arrangements be made for availability of adequate water on the main bathing days during the religious congregation in Allahabad.
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