The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi), in March, amended various regulations to enable the market participants to make payments to it through digital mode.
It had allowed market intermediaries to make payments "by way of direct credit in the bank account through NEFT (national electronic funds transfer)/RTGS (real time gross settlement)/ IMPS (Immediate Payment Service) or any other mode allowed by the RBI".
The move was aimed at enabling ease of paying penalties, disgorgement amounts, settlements amounts, legal charges, recovery amounts, filing fees for IPOs, takeover fees and payments from mutual funds.
"In order to identify and account such direct credit in the Sebi account, it has been decided that the various intermediaries/ other entities shall provide the information ...To Sebi once the payment is made," the regulator said in a circular issued today.
This information include name of the intermediary, type of intermediary, its PAN and registration number, amount paid by it to the regulator, name of Sebi's department to which payment was made, purpose of payment, and details of the bank name and account number from which payment is remitted.