As per the details, environment clearances have been given to various projects worth Rs 1,35,634.95 crore in Maharashtra having the potential of generating 11,030 jobs.
It was followed by Andhra Pradesh where projects worth Rs 93,738.82 crore having potential of creating 9758 jobs were given clearence while in Gujarat 19 projects worth Rs 42,373.1 crore having potential of 4540 jobs were sanctioned.
In Delhi, environment and forest approvals have been given to projects worth Rs 1518.89 crore having a potential of generating 3,330 jobs.
Javadekar had also said that in line with the government's policy of ease of doing business the average waiting period for approval of projects has been brought down to 190 days from 600 days during the UPA regime and the aim now is to slash it further to 100 days.
Some of the projects cleared by the Environment Ministry in the last two years were in important sectors such as roads, railway network, pipelines, irrigation canal and others.