The ministry gives environment clearances (EC) to 'A' category projects based on the recommendations of the Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC).
"In the recent meeting, the proposal was discussed in detail. The EAC was of the view that its sub-committee should visit the project site to assess the environment compliance of the existing unit and any related issues to be addressed as public hearing was exempted due to the location of project within industrial area," a senior Environment Ministry official said.
As per the proposal, KRIBHCO Shyam Fertilizers Ltd (KSFL) has sought green clearance for expansion of its plant by adding Ammonia (2,200 tonnes per day (TPD) and urea (3,850 TPD) in Shahjahanpur district in Uttar Pradesh.
The company informed the EAC that it has total existing plot area of 780.75 acres including township. Out of which, area earmarked for greenbelt is 296 acres. No additional land is required. The proposed expansion will be carried out in the existing premises. Total cost of project is Rs 4,132 crore.
In 2008, KSFL had obtained green nod for expansion of its ammonia and urea capacity to 1,950 TPD and 3,130 TPD, respectively, through debottlenecking. However, the company has not implemented the debottlenecking scheme due to techno- economic reasons.