EPCA Chairman Bhure Lal said officials of the app-based companies were categorically informed during the meeting, which was "urgently" convened, that they will have to abide by the SC order .
"Uber did not have any representation in the meeting. They said that they got the information about the meeting late. While that is okay, there is no way any company can wriggle out of the SC directives," Lal said.
Sunita Narain of Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), who is a member of EPCA, said that only CNG cabs of app-based companies will ply in the NCR region from April 1 while those using Delhi as a transit will not be allowed to take or off-load passengers.
The Supreme Court in January had extended the deadline for all taxis in the National Capital Region to convert to CNG mode from March 1 to March 31 and directed the Centre to set up 104 gas stations in ten districts of NCR.