"The SFB, to be named Equitas Small Finance Bank Ltd (Equitas Bank), will start banking operations after receiving few other approvals from various departments of RBI and other agencies," the company said in a release.
The company hopes to start operations in the next few months with a network of around 400 branches, which would be established through the year.
"It is indeed a proud moment for everyone at Equitas to be a first Private Bank from Tamil Nadu and the city of Chennai," said P N Vasudevan, Managing Director, Equitas Holdings.
The company added that in June, the Madras High Court had approved the amalgamation of Equitas Micro Finance Ltd (EMFL) and Equitas Housing Finance Ltd (EHFL) with Equitas Finance Ltd (EFL).
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With amalgamation coming into effect, Equitas Finance Ltd will be named as Equitas Small Finance Bank which will carry on the business of banking, said the release.
Chennai-based Equitas Holdings lends to individuals, micro and small enterprises that are underserved by formal financing channels.