Commander 44 Mountain Brigade, Brigadier H S Cheema while addressing the ESMs and their families, emphasised on the schemes of the Army and the state government tailored exclusively for the welfare of the ex-servicemen and their families.
He said till date pension anomalies of ESM of Nagaland amounting to Rs 48 lakh have been resolved through such rallies and complimented RSB Nagaland for addressing the issues of welfare of veterans and bringing all the stakeholders under one roof.
Numbers of stalls were put up to educate and address the concerns of the veterans and veer naris, the most important being the 'Pensioner Grievance Cell' activated to address pension related issues of the ESMs.
The 'Suvigya Portal' along with OROP calculator was instrumental in resolution of many ESM pension issues with continuous efforts of a dedicated team.
A medical camp was also organised to provide medical aid to the veterans.