The crime branch of Delhi Police told the court that accused Kafaitullah Khan alias Master Raja had received Rs 30,000 from the ISI while constable of J&K Light Infantry unit Fareed Ahmad had got Rs 10,000.
Similarly, arrested accused Munawwar Ahmad Mir, a former army personnel, had received Rs 40,000 while Mohd Sabar, a teacher by profession had got Rs 10,000 from the ISI operatives in lieu of supply of documents, the police said.
The IO told the court that they have recovered a CD containing conversations between these accused and their Pakistan-based handlers and it has been sent to the forensic science laboratory for examination.
The IO said that various incriminating documents have also been recovered from the possession of the accused and the police was examining all those materials.
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Earlier, these accused were remanded to police custody
after the investigators had said their custodial interrogation was required to unearth the entire conspiracy and the module through which they were supplying sensitive documents and information to ISI operatives.
Kafaitullah Khan was arrested in connection with the case at New Delhi Railway Station while he was on his way from Jammu to Bhopal on November 26.
Rasheed was arrested from Jammu on the basis of Khan's interrogation.