The teachers had initially called for a four-day boycott beginning May 24, however, the decision to extend it upto June 2 was taken today at the General Body meeting of Delhi University Teachers Association (DUTA).
The teachers are protesting against amendments to UGC regulations that, they argue, will lead to job-cuts to the tune of 50 per cent and drastically increase pupil-teacher ratio in higher education.
The new gazette notification has increased the workload for assistant professors from 16 hours of "direct teaching" per week (including tutorials) to 18 hours, plus another six of tutorials, bringing the total up to 24 hours. Similarly the work hours of associate professors have been increased from 14 to 22.
"The increase in workload will lead to a sharp deterioration in student-teacher ratio, an important determinant in global rankings that the government repeatedly claims to be concerned about and periodically refers to as a basis for its own policy," a DUTA statement said.
"It was decided at the GBM today that the boycott will continue till June 2 and the executive will meet again on June 1 to review the situation and to suggest ways to strengthen the struggle," it added.