Additional Sessions Judge Vimal Kumar Yadav held south Delhi residents Suraj and Ajay guilty of voluntarily causing hurt to one Sewa Lal. He however, acquitted them of the chargesof culpable homicide not amounting to murder, saying that the cause of death could be cardiac failure which was "natural".
On the issue of eve-teasing, that led to the fight, the court observed, "Security, safety and dignity of women has always been and is still a big issue. Gender sensitisation is the need of the hour. Women, who play a very vital role in the family, society and invariably all walks of life have not been given then fair share of recognition and respect."
The court observed that factors like undue primacy to the male child, second grade or even below treatment to the girl child, social norms and male cliches "have made the world very unsafe".
"Eve-teasing is one such phenomenon emerging out of the churning of such factors. Instead of respecting the fair sex, males tend to treat them very unfairly," it said.
According to police, an altercation took place between Ajay, Suraj, Sewa Lal and three others on February 24, 2013 after which police had taken all the injured persons to a hospital. Sewa Lal, who did not go to the hospital saying he was fine, later started complaining of uneasiness and was admitted to AIIMS hospital where he died the next day.