The minister, who also holds the portfolios for Panchayati Raj, Sanitation and Drinking Water, was speaking at the closing ceremony of the Fourth Chaupal Marathon here, which has held to spread awareness against atrocities on women.
Keeping this in mind, the government has taken steps toward construction of roads in the villages. A budget of several thousands crores of rupees has been allocated for the purpose, the minister said.
Hundreds of people participated in the marathon organised by the internationally-recognised NGO which is run by health professionals.
"This year, through our Chaupal Marathon initiative, we wanted to raise awareness about preventing social atrocities against women and educate the masses about honouring women.
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"Large number of people, including women and children, will participated in the event," founder and chairperson of Chaupal Rajinder Singh Tonk said.
"More than half of the Indians population reside in
villages. If we want our country to be developed in real terms, then will have to make rural areas prosperous and provide them health services," Tonk said.
Over 20,00 people, including women, of all age groups participate in the run.