The Directorate of Education (DoE) has formed 24 teams to visit the schools and verify the record of admissions under Economically Weaker Section (EWS) and Disadvantaged Group (DG) categories in entry level classes for the academic session 2016-17.
The teams, comprising three members each, will submit their reports wihin two days of inspecting a school.
The government has also warned the defaulter schools of action for not submitting data of admissions despite repetitive reminders, due to which the second draw of lots is pending and the entire admission process has been delayed.
"All private schools are under obligation to admit 25 per cent students belonging to EWS and DG categories. In order to ensure transparency in the process, government had invited online applications, conducted computerized draw of lots and the list of selected candidates was forwarded to schools for completion of admission formalities in a time-bound manner.
In a separate circular, the government has identified 306 schools as defaulters for not updating the admission status under the first computerised draw.
The schools have been asked to upload the details on the department's website by April 8, failing which they could face action under the provisions of Delhi School Education Act and Rules.