Special CBI Judge Bharat Parashar granted bail to Gupta, two senior public servants -- K S Kropha and K C Samria -- and businessman Director Manoj Kumar Jayaswal on a personal bond of Rs one lakh each with one surety of the like amount.
They were summoned as accused by the court in the case in which Mahuagarhi coal block was allotted to accused firm M/s Jas Infrastructure Capital Pvt Ltd (JICPL).
The court, however, said that CBI should have prepared the documents in advance as the order on summoning the accused was passed last month.
"The investigating officer states that as he has to supply documents in a number of cases, so he needs some more time to provide copies of documents to the accused," the judge noted in his order and fixed the matter for September 7.
The court had noted that in a detailed order passed by it on November 20, last year, it had already concluded that prima facie the offence of criminal conspiracy was made out against accused M/s JICPL, Jayaswal, Gupta, Kropha and Samria.
"It was also observed that the prima facie offence of cheating i.E under section 420 IPC was committed by M/s JICPL and its Director Manoj Kumar Jayaswal, and that offence under section 409 IPC and section 13(1)(c)/13(1)(d) PC Act were prima facie committed by accused H C Gupta, K S Kropha and K C Samria," it had said.