After Gupta moved the application before Special CBI Judge Bharat Parashar, the court "extensively enquired" from him about the reasons for filing such a plea.
Responding to the court's query, the former bureaucrat said he was in financial difficulties, even for engaging a lawyer.
"Accused H C Gupta has moved an application seeking to withdraw his personal bond submitted earlier for his release on bail and also to withdraw the authorisation letter in favour of his advocates... Along with the application, a note explaining the reasons for moving the aforesaid application has also been annexed," the court noted in its order.
After Gupta told the court about financial difficulties in engaging lawyer, the court told him that if he was facing any such problem, he could be provided services of an advocate from New Delhi Legal Aid Services Authority or an amicus curiae can be appointed on his behalf.
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Meanwhile, CBI said they would respond to Gupta's plea.
During the day's proceeding, the court talked to the wife and son of Gupta regarding the application moved by him.
"After getting the court room vacated from all persons present except the court staff, the undersigned (judge) had a talk with the wife and son of accused (Gupta) in open court and informed them about the application moved by Gupta," the court noted in its order.
defence witnesses in the case involving Madhya Pradesh-based Kamal Sponge Steel and Power Ltd (KSSPL) and others.
The court had earlier granted bail to Gupta, the then Joint Secretary of Coal K S Kropha, the then Director (Coal Allocation-I section) K C Samaria and two officials of KSSPL in the case.
In May, the court had dismissed Gupta's plea seeking joint trial in several cases against him in related to the matter, saying all the matters were at different stages.
On August 8, the Supreme Court also rejected his plea for joint trial.