According to an RTI reply received recently, filed by RTI activist Anil Galgali, Jain who has been living in an apartment alloted to him in his capacity as Additional Director General of Police (ADG), has not only overstayed in the flat but also did not pay the outstanding dues despite notice served to him by the PWD department.
A copy of the notice, procured through an RTI query by Galgali, showed that Jain on March 7 this year was asked to vacate the flat within seven days and also pay an outstanding bill of Rs 11.50 lakh to pay at the rate of Rs 50 sq ft of the carpet area (of the flat).
Almost two months later on May 25, the Home department appointed Jain as a member of SPCA, following which Jain wrote a letter to Additional chief Secretary (protocol) of GAD in May, requesting him to allot another flat in the same building. He also furnished details of particular flats that were about to be vacated.
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The former officer was also asked to vacate the flat as early as possible.
When asked Jain about the issue, he told PTI that dues are to be paid and that he is "going to pay it very soon".
On Jain's appointment Galgali said, "crucial departments Home and GAD are headed by the chief minister. But this (Jain's appointment) show that both departments did not bother to cross verify the backgrounds of the members."