Additional Sessions Judge T R Naval, while granting bail for 30 days to S C Jain, former vice principal of a private school in East Delhi, also suspended his sentence, saying if he is unable to get regular bail from the high court by August 14, then he will have to surrender before the trial court.
"Keeping in view that accused has been on bail during the trial and he has only been awarded sentence up to three years, therefore application is allowed.
"Sentence is suspended and convict Jain is released on interim bail for a period of 30 days on furnishing of personal bond for a sum of Rs 25,000 with one surety of like amount," the court said.
The court had convicted Jain after holding him guilty of committing an "offence of atrocity" and forcing a staffer, employed as a waterman, to work as a sweeper as he belonged to the scheduled caste community.
The court had given its verdict on a complaint filed by Uttar Pradesh native Surat Singh, who had alleged that Jain had restrained him from doing his job as a waterman and asked him to do cleaning work as he belonged to Jatav scheduled caste community. (More)