Four-minute bursts of vigorous exercise three times a week could raise oxygen intake levels and decrease blood pressure and glucose levels, a study conducted by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology has found.
During the ten week programme, a team of researchers monitored the effect of different exercise regimes using a sample of 26 inactive, overweight, but otherwise healthy men who were split into two groups.
Participants in the first group (1-AIT) undertook four-minute exercise sessions three times a week and showed similar results to the men in the second (4-AIT) who completed three 16 minute sessions, broken into four minute bouts.
However, the 16-minute exercise group did prove more effective at lowering cholesterol and body fat.
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Researchers suggested that a single bout of strenuous exercise performed three times per week may be a time-efficient strategy to improve fitness and reduce blood pressure in previously inactive but otherwise healthy middle-aged individuals.
"A growing body of evidence suggests that exercise training with low-volume but high-intensity may be a time-efficient means to achieve health benefits," author Arnt Erik Tjonna said.
The research was published in the Public Library of Science One journal.