Culture Minister Chandresh Kumari Katoch inaugurated the exhibition titled 'Jamini Roy (1887-1972): Journey to the Roots'.
"Jamini Roy's contribution in the growth and shaping of modern Indian art is well-established and enormously significant. His artworks have a particular appeal in the popular imagination because of their strong, simple forms and vibrant colours," Katoch said while paying tribute to the artist.
The paintings of animals, birds, mythological heroes, village folk and most significantly those of women were executed to make them appear very lively characters exuding a zest for life.
Roy popularised the simple folk idioms and themes in his paintings, which were derived from the surroundings of his native village at Beliatore, she said, adding the artist very consciously chose to live a life of simplicity and effortlessly bridged the distance between academic training and traditional craft expressions.
The work of Roy was declared as National Treasure in 1976, along with seven other artists.