"One driver of the economy, which still hasn't deployed its effect, is the probable increasing government expenditure to cope with the refugees," the European Central Bank (ECB) President said.
Speaking at the World Economic Forum, he said that for Europe, "the refugees are a challenge and an opportunity".
"Our society will change, in which direction one can only guess," he said adding government expenditure needed to cope with this challenge could be a large stimulus to growth.
According to him, speed is of the essence. "The sooner this is concluded, the sooner the Greek economy will get back to a normal situation".
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Asked about the strength of the European Union and the zeal for deeper integration, Draghi said early proponents of the European project did not anticipate a linear process that would be without bumps.
"All European leaders are trying to drive their people closer to the common European interest in a way that is respectful of democracy," he noted.
He added, "If we enter into a non-European approach, it will kill the right European approach."
The hundreds of thousands of people fleeing the war in Ukraine into Poland is an unrecognised crisis, said Witold Waszczykowski, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland.
The minister said that it is important to focus on the conflict on Europe's eastern borders.
"We are alone in handling this crisis," Waszczykowski said.