Although experts welcomed reports that the Central TB Division will soon switch from intermittent (three times in a week) to daily treatment for drug sensitive TB as part of 'Directly Observed Treatment (DOTS)', they said that more concrete steps needed to be taken towards implementing the recommended policy changes.
"India has taken the first steps towards adopting daily FDC regimen for drug-sensitive TB treatment or DOTS. The Revised National TB Control Programme (RNTCP) recently released new policy, which recommends implementation of a daily DOTS regimen using FDCs.
It said that while currently India uses single drug formulations for each of the drugs that are part of the recommended drug sensitive TB (DS-TB) treatment regime, it was likely that the TB programme will also introduce daily fixed-dose combinations (FDCs) as an additional step to ensuring proper treatment.
The experts include officials of Asia Pacific Network, International Treatment Preparedness Coalition - South Asia, Delhi Network of Positive People, Community Network for Empowerment (Manipur), Sankalp Rehabilitation Trust and MSF Access Campaign.