Taking a dig at BJP for its proposed 'Parivartan Yatra' in the state from November 12, he said "Before it embarks on any yatra, BJP should offer an explanation to people why it brought the state under president's rule and why it withheld the state's annual budget passedby the state assembly."
Advising the party to "atone for its sins" before embarking on any yatra, the CM said BJP should also explain to people why it caused defections in the ruling Congress in a premeditated manner.
President's Rule was imposed in Uttarakhand in March this year after momentous political developments saw nine party MLAs rebel against Rawat and join hands with the BJP.
Their membership of the state assembly was later revoked by the Speaker under the anti-defection law.
However, President's rule was withdrawn in May and Harish Rawat put back in the saddle after he won a court monitored floor test in the state assembly.
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