The 55-year-old comedian is reprising his role of David for the new movie and co-star Ben Bailey Smith says the actors, who were playing other members of Ricky's on-screen band, did not recognise the award-winning star, reported Femalefirst.
"We filmed a scene where the band are performing at a student night and there were real students in the crowd. Between takes I was talking to them and there was a moment when I overheard them saying to each other 'who's that guy?'" Smith said.
"They were saying 'He's that guy off Channel 4 called David or Derek or something'. I told them he was from 'The Office' and they were saying 'Oh that American show'.
"I explained he actually created the original 'The Office'. Then one of them said 'Oh yeah, my uncle goes on about that sometimes'. I couldn't believe they didn't know 'The Office'.