The sale held here late last evening featured 75 lots of some of the most sought after names in modern and contemporary Indian art and posted total sales at approximately Rs 82 crore (USD 12.7 million) 97 per cent lots sold.
Four lots including that of Souza's achieved world record prices, organisers said.
Other lots that achieved world record prizes were a fibreglass sculpture by Ravinder Reddy titled "Devi" that sold for approximately Rs 2.7 crore (USD 415,385), another lot "Untitled (Dreaming Girl)" by Sailoz Mukherjea went for Rs 10,80,000 (USD 16,615) and one by Nilima Sheikh titeld "River: Carrying Across, Leaving Behind" was sold for Rs 1.02 crore (USD 156,923).
An acrylic on canvas by S H Raza was sold for approx. Rs 4.8 crore (USD 738,462). A luminous untitled work (Metascape) by Akbar Padamsee was the fourth most expensive work after Souza, Mehta and Raza, to be sold in the auction and went under the hammer for approximately Rs 4.2 crore (USD 646,154).
Two more works by Padamsee -- "Paysage" and "Delta" followed them by being sold for Rs 3.84 crore (USD 590,769) and Rs 3 crore (USD 461, 538) respectively.