Singh, who is also party's desk in-charge for Goa, today posted on the micro-blogging website Twitter, "If some outlet in Goa shifted CCTV camera focus the top management of Fabindia shouldn't be harassed."
In another tweet, he praised the ethnic apparel chain for promoting the work of the weavers from rural India.
"Fabindia has done an excellent work in promoting Village Industry Products which KVIC couldn't," he tweeted.
The former Madhya Pradesh chief minister's comments come a day after Goa Chief Minister Laxmikant Parsekar said the top management (of Fabindia) should not be blamed for the incident.
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Last week, HRD Minister Smriti Irani who had visited Fabindia outlet in Candolim for shopping spotted a hidden camera peeping inside the trial room.
Crime branch had arrested four employees in this connection, who were granted bail by the court on Saturday.