A BJP MP on Tuesday urged the government to frame a law to regulate social media with regard to Parliament proceedings and also protect members from being trolled for their remarks made on the floor of the House.
Speaking during Zero Hour in Lok Sabha, Nishikant Dubey said following his comment on GDP on Monday, media, especially the social media, has criticised the statement.
Many of the comments on social media were personal, he alleged.
During debate on Taxation Laws Amendment Bill, 2019 on Monday, Dubey had said that the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has no relevance and it should not be treated as 'Bible, Ramayan and Mahabharat'.
Simon Kuznets, who designed GDP, in his report in 1934 said he himself was not satisfied by the GDP.
The statement on the GDP was made on basis of evidence which was not taken very well in the social media, Dubey said, adding, abuses were lashed out to him and his family.
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He pointed out that the proceedings of the House has to be properly reported and members can express anything without favour and fear according to the provisions of the Constitution.
When the provisions was made in the Constitution, social media and the concept of breaking news was not there.
Dubey requested the government to frame a law for regulation of social media with regard to remark made by any member of the House.
"As a custodian of this House, you (Speaker) should take some action on such kind of event," he said.
Supporting Dubey's concern, another BJP member Virendra Singh Mast said being the son of a farmer he doesn't believe in GDP.
The interest of members should be protected, he added.
Dubey had claimed GDP did not exist before 1934.
"(Economist Simon) Kuznet said it is not the ultimate truth to believe GDP as Bible, Ramayan and Mahabharat and GDP will be not be of any great use in future," he had said.
"Whoever talks about the GDP is wrong. GDP has no relevance to this country," Dubey had said, adding what is important is the last person standing in the queue and whether the government is able to reach him.