Maharashtra Congress MLA Yashomati Thakur on Friday accused BJP leader Devendra Fadnavis of trying to create an atmosphere of confusion by tweeting "fake" videos of "violent protests" by students of a Delhi-based university against the Citizenship Amendment Act.
Raising the issue in the state Legislative Assembly under the point of procedure, she also said that such fake videos could damage the industrial development of Maharashtra.
"Leader of Opposition in the Assembly and former chief minister of Devendra Fadnavis had tweeted a couple of fake videos, which he labelled as violent protests by students of Jamia (Millia Islamia) university," she said.
However, former chief minister Prithviraj Chavan has already exposed Fadnavis on the tweets, she said.
"Being an industrial state, Maharashtra could face the repercussions of the confusion created by a senior leader like Fadnavis. Our industries should not get affected. Some appropriate measures should be taken in such issues," Thakur said.