A day after Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut created flutter saying there is talk within the BJP of replacing Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnvis over the Maratha quota stir, his party leader Manohar Joshi today said there is no such possibility.
Joshi, former Chief Minister, said Fadnavis "failed" in handling the Maratha quota issue as is evident from the way in which the community members have taken to the streets in "huge numbers" to demand reservation in jobs and education.
The former Lok Sabha Speaker suggested that having a comprehensive dialogue with the protesters was the only way out to address the issue.
"No," the Sena veteran quipped when asked if Fadnavis would be replaced.
Raut had yesterday said that there were "talks within the BJP" to replace Fadnavis, in the backdrop of the agitation which has taken violent turn since last two days.
Asked about speculation that Fadnavis could be replaced, state Congress chief Ashok Chavan said, "Congress is not concerned over internal issues of BJP. The law and order situation in the state is not good and the BJP-led state government and Fadnavis are responsible for this."