While Razzak Rashid Khan and Jasdeep Kewalsingh Suri alias Soni were arrested from the district, the third accused, identified as Amrish Arvind Patel, was nabbed from Ahmedabad recently, Crime Branch inspector Kishore Khairnar said today.
Police seized as many as 400 fake currency notes of Rs 100 denomination from Razzak and registered a case under section 489-B (using as genuine, forged or counterfeit currency- notes or bank- notes) of Indian Penal Code against him, he said.
The other two accused Suri and Patel were apprehended after Razzak revealed their whereabouts.
"Police seized printers, scanners and a total of 26 fake currency notes of face value of Rs 100 from Patel's shop," the officer added.