Fake currencies with face value of Rs 23.66 crore were seized in 2010; Rs 31.46 crore in 2011; Rs 34.57 crore in 2012; and Rs 17.64 crore until June 2013, Finance Minister P Chidambaram said in a written reply to the Rajya Sabha.
"In terms of available estimates, the volume of fake currency recovered and seized in India is not more than 0.003 per cent.
"To address the multi-dimensional aspects of fake Indian currency notes (FICN) menace, several agencies such as Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Home Affairs, RBI, Security and intelligence agencies of the centre and states, CBI are working in tandem," he said.
At the international level, the issue of circulation of FICN has been raised in Financial Action Task Force (FATF).
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Chidambaram said the Reserve Bank has also initiated several steps and provides information to the public on security features of banknotes.
He said banks have been advised to ensure that notes received over the counters are re-circulated only after ensuring proper authentication through machines.
He also said a scheme of incentives for banks has been introduced for reporting counterfeit notes detected by them.