FICN having face value of Rs 30.88 crore have been either recovered in different branches of RBI or seized by police during January and September this year from the country, as per the Home Ministry data.
According to the available inputs from intelligence and investigating agencies, all high quality FICN are printed in sophisticated presses located in Pakistan, Minister of State for Home Affairs Haribhai Parthibhai Chaudhary told Lok Sabha in a written reply.
The matter has been taken up by the government with Pakistan at Foreign Secretary and Home Secretary level talks, the Minister said.
Chaudhary said the government has constituted a special FICN coordination (FCORD) group to share intelligence or information amongst the different security agencies of state or Centre to counter the menace of circulation of fake currency notes in the country.
The Central Bureau of Investigation and National Investigation Agency are central agencies for investigation of FICN cases. The government has also constituted a terror funding and fake currency cell to investigate terror funding and fake currency cases, Chaudhary said.