Minister of State for Finance Santosh Gangwar said the government is not perturbed by the stray incident of fake 2,000 rupee notes bearing 'Children Bank of India' being dispensed from a State Bank of India ATM in South Delhi's Sangam Vihar.
"The government will investigate the matter. Fake currency should not come out of ATM. If there are reports in newspapers, then it will be investigated," he told reporters here.
"The government is taking measures to control fake currency generation. Some people are trying to create problem in the country. We will be able to say (who they are) only after investigation," Gangwar said.
He said SBI's claim of fake currency being introduced during transportation of bank notes by third parties will be investigated.
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The government, the minister said, is not worried by the stray incident, but will investigate the matter fully.
"All notes received by the bank and to be dispensed by the bank, either through its ATMs or its branches, are processed through the latest state-of-the-art Note Sorting Machines," SBI had said in a statement yesterday.
"These machines are equipped with the templates of all legal tender in the country and any note not conforming to the security features is separated as 'suspect note' for further manual scrutiny. Thus, no fake note is likely to be dispensed through the bank's ATMs at any time."