Opposition Congress in Uttarakhand on Friday said false cases are being lodged against its leaders amid the lockdown at the behest of the ruling BJP and threatened to launch an agitation if they are not withdrawn immediately.
Citing the example of party leaders Tilak Raj Behad and Arun Taneja against whom cases were registered recently in Udham Singh Nagar district under the Disaster Management Act for violating lockdown restrictions, PCC president Pritam Singh said party leaders are being booked under "false" charges at the behest of BJP leaders.
In a letter to Uttarakhand Chief Secretary Utpal Kumar Singh and DGP Anil Raturi, Singh demanded immediate withdrawal of the cases and threatened to launch an agitation if it was not done.
He said Behad had gone to his ancestral village Malsa Girdharpur to talk topeople after an incident of firing there but false cases were registered against him.
The Congress leader saidTaneja, who heads the party's Kichcha unit, was also falsely implicated in a case as he had uncovered a "scam" in the distribution of ration kits in the state during the lockdown.
He alleged that the "scam" had taken place with the complicity of BJP leaders.