28-year-old Deepika, resident of Ludas village, delivered a child this morning at Sawant Nursing Home. The hospital nurse and sweeper informed her family that their new born is a boy and sought tip for the same, the family members alleged.
About five hours later the family members found out that the newborn is a girl. The situation became tense as they accused the hospital of swapping their newborn boy, following which police was called to probe the matter.
"A girl was born to Deepika and the error occurred at the level of one nurse (Kamlesh). The doctor on duty and another nurse have confirmed that Deepika delivered a female child. The entry of male child in the register was also an error on the part of the nurse," he said.
According to Duty Magistrate Sumit Kumar, DNA test of the child and mother will be done to investigate the matter.
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Sawant said when the police interrogated Kamlesh, she fell unconscious and could not give a statement.
The family members of Deepika have agreed to wait till the DNA report comes from Hyderabad, Kumar said, adding, the girl child will remain with her till that time.