Uttar Pradesh Minister for state (Independent Charge) Ram Sakal Gurjar said, "Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav has declared to pay compensation of Rs 20 lakh to bereaved family.
"All the 10 charter ofdemands, including naming of a road after martyr, construction of a playground, gasagency for wife Seema, a house in Mathura city for deceased family, some agricultural land for bereaved family among others will be fulfilled," he said.
Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav yesterday announced Rs 20 lakh ex-gratia for Samod's family.
Seema, the wife of the martyr, broke the fast as she was offered milk by the Gurjar.
The chief of Anti-terrorist organization Maninder Singh Bitta and and former MP Jayant Chaudhary also visited to Bhavanpura village to condole the death of Samod.