Badal announced a cash reward of Rs 5 lakh for anyone who provided information leading to the arrest of Nishan Singh, the main accused in the kidnapping case and said the highest priority was being given to the case, an official release here said.
Badal has also directed the state authorities to initiate other legal proceedings against the main culprit and his accomplices.
A 15-year-old girl, a class X student, was allegedly kidnapped at gunpoint in Faridkot on September 24.
Sukhbir lambasted the Congress for making it a political issue.
"Rather than sympathising with family of the girl, the Congress is trying to take political mileage out of the issue," he said.
Sukhbir held a meeting with state DGP Sumedh Saini and took an update on the case.
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13 persons have been arrested, the DGP said adding, fire arms and vehicles used in the crime have been recovered.
Meanwhile, Punjab Congress ridiculed and lashed out at the state government accusing it of politicising the issue for political gains.
"What does the government want us to do, just remain a mute spectator to the entire issue as it (the government) has done itself," Punjab Congress general secretary and Dhuri MLA Arvind Khanna said.