The Chatra MP also sought a special campaign to fulfil goals set under Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yozana (PMFB), a press release quoting his issues raised in the Lok Sabha, said.
He said under the NAIS, agriculture produce of the farmers were made for Kharif in 2015, which was a drought-hit year for the state and the state government had taken a decision then to return premium amount to the farmers along with the insurance claim.
Drawing the attention, Singh said farmers from Chatra, Latehar, Palamau and Garhwa have not yet received the insurance claim amount.
He said Prime Minister Narendra Modi has introduced Pradhan Mantri Bima Yozana, an important scheme for the farmers, but not even 50 per cent of the target has been achieved in Chatra, Latehar, Palamau and Garhwa by July 31, 2016.
He demanded that the government give direction to the insurance companies to clear the dues of the farmers at the earliest.