The Rs 90.40 lakh plant has come up with 50 per cent contribution from the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy and is capable of generating 65,000 units of electricity per year, an government spokesman said here.
Abdullah also inaugurated a 100 KWP solar photovoltaic power plant on the rooftop of Model Central Jail at Burail in the city.
The cost of the power plant is Rs 143 lakh and is capable of generating 1,30,000 units of electricity per year.
Chandigarh is one of these solar cities and has a plan to cover almost all government buildings with solar rooftop power plants so that each building is able to generate a part of its power requirement through its own power plant, thereby reducing the demand of electricity and using more and more of clean energy, the spokesman said.
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Ministry of New and Renewable Energy has already sanctioned projects to cover 30 government buildings in Chandigarh, which will generate 3 MWP of solar power.
Private building owners would also be encouraged to set up solar rooftops. These power plants would be connected with the grid so that surplus power can be fed into the grid, the spokesman added.