Attired in black 'Bandgala suit', Abdullah today surprised shopkeepers, media and passersby by his impromptu appearance at market in the heart of Jammu city, where famous Raghunath temple is located.
Senior Abdullah was at his usual best when he walked through the famous bazar.
The moment he made an impromptu appearance in the famous market, several shopkeepers alighted from their shops and the passersby jostled to have his close look.
He even sat for a while at the business establishments of some known acquaintances.
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Accompanied by Provincial President Devender Singh Rana, the former Chief Minister did not forget to treat those who met him with sweets.
He offered the sweets to the people at the entry point of the famous heritage market.
Visiting this market, without prior announcement, had been his famous pastime of yesteryears when he occasionally used give a miss to his hectic schedule as a Chief Minister and visit this place.
He promptly thanked him for his concern. It was Abdullah's maiden visit to the city after undergoing treatment and convalescing in London for several months.
He posed for pictures with the people assembled there. Mobile cameras kept clicking each of his movement in the Bazar.