Speaking at a function after launching 'Nirbhaya' (without fear), a state government initiative to prevent sexual assault on women and children, he said these courts would be set up after consulting the Kerala High Court.
He said five centres would be setup to rehabilitate the victims of sexual assaults. The first such unit will come up at Thavanoor in Malappuram district.
Special schools with residential facilities will be set up for children, he said.
The 'Nirbhaya' initiative comes close on the heels of government planning to bring in a new law which will ensure safety of women and protect their privacy.
Home Minister Thiruvanjooor Radhakrishnan had earlier stated that he proposed to hold discussions with all sections of civil societies, particularly women, before drafting the bill for the proposed law.
He has also convened a special conference to discuss the draft bill on June 6.